Module @codecov/astro-plugin - v1.8.0

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Codecov Astro Plugin

An Astro integration that provides bundle analysis support for Codecov.


The plugin does not support code coverage, see our docs to set up coverage today!

Using npm:

npx astro add @codecov/astro-plugin

Using yarn:

yarn astro add @codecov/astro-plugin

Using pnpm:

pnpm astro add @codecov/astro-plugin

This configuration will automatically upload the bundle analysis to Codecov for public repositories. When an internal PR is created it will use the Codecov token set in your secrets, and if running from a forked PR, it will use the tokenless setting automatically. For setups not using GitHub Actions see the following example. For private repositories see the following example.

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import { codecovAstroPlugin } from "@codecov/astro-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
// other config settings
integrations: [
// place this after all other integrations
enableBundleAnalysis: true,
bundleName: "example-astro-bundle",
uploadToken: process.env.CODECOV_TOKEN,
gitService: "github",

This setup is for public repositories that are not using GitHub Actions, this configuration will automatically upload the bundle analysis to Codecov. You will need to configure the it similar to the GitHub Actions example, however you will need to provide a branch override, and ensure that it will pass the correct branch name, and with forks including the fork-owner i.e. fork-owner:branch.

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import { codecovAstroPlugin } from "@codecov/astro-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
// other config settings
integrations: [
// place this after all other integrations
enableBundleAnalysis: true,
bundleName: "example-astro-bundle",
uploadToken: process.env.CODECOV_TOKEN,
gitService: "github",
uploadOverrides: {
branch: "<branch value>",

This is the required way to use the plugin for private repositories. This configuration will automatically upload the bundle analysis to Codecov.

This configuration will automatically upload the bundle analysis to Codecov for public repositories. When an internal PR is created it will use the Codecov token set in your secrets, and if running from a forked PR, it will use the tokenless setting automatically. For setups not using GitHub Actions see the following example. For private repositories see the following example.

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import { codecovAstroPlugin } from "@codecov/astro-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
// other config settings
integrations: [
// place this after all other integrations
enableBundleAnalysis: true,
bundleName: "example-astro-bundle",
uploadToken: process.env.CODECOV_TOKEN,

For users with OpenID Connect (OIDC) enabled, setting the uploadToken is not necessary. You can use OIDC with the oidc configuration as following.

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import { codecovAstroPlugin } from "@codecov/astro-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
// other config settings
integrations: [
// place this after all other integrations
enableBundleAnalysis: true,
bundleName: "example-astro-bundle",
oidc: {
useGitHubOIDC: true,

