• Generates a Codecov bundle stats report and optionally uploads it to Codecov. This function can be imported into your code or used via the bundle-analyzer CLI.


    • buildDirectoryPaths: string[]

      The path(s) to the build directory or directories containing the production assets for the report. Can be absolute or relative.

    • coreOptions: Options

      Configuration options for generating and uploading the report.

    • Optional bundleAnalyzerOptions: BundleAnalyzerOptions

      Optional configuration for bundle-analyzer usage.

    Returns Promise<string>

    A promise that resolves when the report is generated and uploaded (dry-runned or uploaded).


    const buildDirs = ['/path/to/build/directory', '/path/to/another/build']; // absolute or relative paths
    const coreOpts = {
    dryRun: true,
    uploadToken: 'your-upload-token',
    retryCount: 3,
    apiUrl: 'https://api.codecov.io',
    bundleName: 'my-bundle', // bundle identifier in Codecov
    enableBundleAnalysis: true,
    debug: true,
    const bundleAnalyzerOpts = {
    beforeReportUpload: async (original) => original,
    ignorePatterns: ["*.map"],
    normalizeAssetsPattern: "[name]-[hash].js",

    createAndUploadReport(buildDirs, coreOpts, bundleAnalyzerOpts)
    .then(() => console.log('Report successfully generated and uploaded.'))
    .catch((error) => console.error('Failed to generate or upload report:', error));

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